01484 600384


Lepton C.E. Primary Academy

Welcome from the Chair

Welcome from the Chair of Governors

Dear parents and residents,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Lepton CofE Primary Academy.

Our school is committed to providing a broad, balanced and high quality education for its pupils. We pride ourselves on our standards, both academic and behavioural, and strive to ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to grow and flourish in order to fulfil their potential.

As a Church of England school, we also place a great deal of emphasis on the children’s behavioural and social development and have a strong ethos of community, care and respect for one another. This is embedded in our values, policies and approach to teaching and behaviour, and is reflected in the excellent behavioural standards of our children, which is often recognised both internally and externally.

As a governing body, we are here to ensure the school is supported and run to the highest standards, working with the staff, parents and pupils. We also have a key role in challenging the school to improve and highlighting those opportunities. We are involved in setting policy, review of results and performance, school finance, buildings and resources and pupil and staff wellbeing to name a few. Ultimately though, our objective is to ensure the wellbeing and the best outcomes possible for our children.

Our school development plan is at the heart of what we do and sets the vision and direction for the school to ensure we are focussing on the right things. We work closely with the Headteacher and senior leadership team to ensure that we both support and hold them to account for the delivery of those objectives. The plan gives us focus in the following areas:

  • Teaching and learning – to ensure the right strategy, curriculum and teaching practices are in place, to ensure the best outcomes and define any focus areas for improvement
  • Leadership and management – to continuously develop our staff and governance capabilities, and ensure a robust monitoring process is in place
  • Children, Families and Communities – to develop links in our community, to our church and with parents and children to create a truly inclusive culture and a broad educational experience for our children

We believe our approach to education, teaching not only a curriculum but also developing the ability to think independently, question, challenge and socialise effectively, will provide our children with the best start in life and prepare them well for the challenges to come. We are proud of all our children and what they achieve and we have an excellent team of staff that strive to deliver the best education possible on a daily basis.

It is a privilege to chair the governing body here and work with such a capable and motivated team at the school. We do attend school events and parents’ evenings so please feel free to approach us, or you can contact us via the school office.

We hope you and your children enjoy your time at Lepton C of E and would like to thank all our parents for their ongoing support of the school.


Best Regards

Alison Grant, Chair of Governors  (c/o  office@leptonschool.co.uk)