01484 600384


Lepton C.E. Primary Academy

Useful Websites for Parents/Carers

Due to the current situation, here is a compilation of free online resources to support children through any school closures. These links are additional to those provided weekly from the class teachers via the website. We advise an adult chooses the activity to ensure it is appropriate for the age of your child.




English – including reading, phonics and writing


Multiple subjects including Art, Science, Geography, PE and RE



A free children's book about the coronavirus illustrated by the award-winning Gruffalo artist Axel Scheffler has been produced to help inform children

Coronavirus: A Book for Children is aimed at five to nine-year-olds and hopes to simply answer key questions they may be asking their parents or carers about the COVID-19 outbreak.

Click on the link: https://nosycrowcoronavirus.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Coronavirus-ABookForChildren.pdf


Government Homeschooling

